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The family way Tony Parsons.

Tyt oryg.: "Kroniki rodzinne [Książka mówiona]".

Autor: Parsons, Tony

Hasła:Książka mówiona
Literatura w języku angielskim - dokument dźwiękowy
Powieść angielska - 20 w. - dokument dźwiękowy
Adres wydawniczy:London : HarperCollins AudioBooks, 2004.
Gatunek:Paulo loves Jessica. He thinks that together they are complete - a family of two. But Jessica can`t be happy until she has a baby, and the baby stubbornly refuses to come. Can a man and a woman ever really be a family of two? Megan doesn`t love her boyfriend anymore. After a one-night stand with an Australian beach bum, she finds that even a trainee doctor can slip up on the family planning. Should you bring a child into the world if you don`t love its father?
Opis fizyczny:3 dyski optyczne (CD) (240 min).
Uwagi:Język angielski.
Adnotacja:Paulo loves Jessica. He thinks that together they are complete - a family of two. But Jessica can`t be happy until she has a baby, and the baby stubbornly refuses to come. Can a man and a woman ever really be a family of two? Megan doesn`t love her boyfriend anymore. After a one-night stand with an Australian beach bum, she finds that even a trainee doctor can slip up on the family planning. Should you bring a child into the world if you don`t love its father?
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Wyp. dla Dorosłych
ul. Paderewskiego 22

Sygnatura: 821-3 ang.
Numer inw.: 104661
Dostępność: wypożyczana na 30 dni


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